Natural Fiber Supplement

Sisel is setting a new standard in the category of fiber by creating Balance-D™. Fiber is important to everyone’s diet, but there are other basic elements that are often overlooked that are vital to a healthy gastrointestinal tract. These elements are prebiotics, probiotics, fiber, and Vitamin D. Balance-D combines all of these, creating a synergistic blend that offers optimal digestive support.

Why are these important?

Prebiotic: Chicory root helps to create an ideal environment where probiotics can thrive. Prebiotics are food and fuel for probiotics.

Probiotic: Rhamnosus, Acidophilus, and Bulgaricus are all infused in Balance-D. When these probiotics enter your body, they flourish because of the prebiotic found in Chicory root. When probiotics are broken down, they eradicate the harmful bacteria from your GI tract.

Organic microfiber: Apple, Chicory root, and Maltodextrin are the microfibers that work by creating long-chain polymers that grab, bond, and remove excess waste from the lower intestine.

Vitamin D: Balance-D contains 300IU of Vitamin D per serving, which helps your body absorb calcium, promotes bone growth, and is linked to fighting against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, depression, weight gain, and other maladies.

Balance-D stands alone in the world of fiber supplements. It is the most comprehensive, effective, and balanced fiber product on the market.