All Natural Herbal Formula is Designed for Detoxification
This natural, herbal formula is designed for detoxification and helps remove impurities from the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Our exclusive formula helps support healthy tissue linings throughout the entire GI tract, and the removal of mucoid plaque and fecal matter from the colon. When the impurities are removed and your GI tract is free from mucoid plaque and excess fecal matter, your digestive system will be able to operate on peak levels and digest food with more efficiency. When your body is happy, you’re happy. Give your body the detox it needs: Supra Detox™.
SupraDetox™ helps support healthy tissue linings throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. It also aids in the removal of mucoid plaque and excess fecal matter. Your digestive system will be able to operate on peak levels and digest food with more efficiency.
There are many toxins that we encounter every day. They are found in beauty products, pre-packaged foods and even in the air we breathe. Over time, these toxins build up in our body, robbing it of nutrition. That’s why SupraDetox is so important to your well being.
This self-regulated formula uses natural, herbal ingredients that are scientifically designed to detoxify your body, removing impurities from your liver and gastrointestinal tract. It also helps support healthy tissue linings throughout the entire GI tract and the removal of mucoid plaque and fecal matter from the colon.
Help support your body’s ability to rid itself of the impurities that can hinder a healthy lifestyle. Add SupraDetox to your diet and feel how good it is to have less toxins in your body. As you age, you will only appreciate SupraDetox’s benefits more.