About Valli

Sisel International Partner
780.861.0459 | vallicleall444@gmail.com
702.628.6297 (U.S.A.)

As a woman, I’m concerned with the number of misleading choices in the health industry. It seems so many health products are “gimmick products’ that promote something that is not likely to make any difference positively. And I’m worried that people are not living the quality of life they deserve. I’ve come to realize that although I can’t change the world, I can share some information that might help.

Ever since childhood, my dad taught me the importance of caring for my body and researching anything I intend to put into my mouth and system. And, truth be told, I’ve gotten quite good at that. In my nearly 40 years in the beauty and health business, I’ve researched many companies. So, in October 2017, I was naturally drawn to the products manufactured by SISEL International and wanted to learn more about its recorded research at the Institute of Health, resulting in positive approval of their products.

Valli Cleal

I started on the A.G.E. pill-long touted by the company for its development and use by the astronauts. After feeling more energetic and noting a positive difference, I slowly added more products: Triangle of Life, Vita Vision, TSX, Brain Vitality, and the entire line of skincare and glamour. ALL WITH FANTASTIC RESULTS. For example, my eyesight improved significantly in nine weeks, and I no longer need prescription glasses for driving or reading.

In December 2018, I met with Tom Mower for 2 1/2 hours and, afterward, met with his daughter Leisel Mower for 2 1/2 hours to learn more about the company and its products. Then, in December 2019, I drove to the United States to meet with Steve Farr and tour the SISEL International facilities. We spent seven hours meeting with Tom Mower and the staff, learning more about the products that work so well and its upcoming launch of Stem-o-lytic. It was then I knew my calling was to share these products with the world and to help improve the lives of everyone.